the plan to rid the world of poverty and homelessness

What JUST SUPPOSE Will do to Help the over 100 million homeless people that lives in our world today ,is to have musical concerts across the world. The Money that is raised will go back to the people that are homeless especially the hungry children that makes up most of the homeless population.

we take care of our sponsor

  1. We will create a Just -Suppose commercial vehicle for those who really want to help themselves. They will get merchandise which will be T-Shirts and bags memorabilia’s to sell. Of which if they are serious about homelessness will comply.
  2. They will get a third of the prophet of whatever they sell. For the week.
  3. A third will go to the Just-Suppose Foundation .org and one third comes to us.(Just-Suppose World).
  4. THE GOVERNMENT: Will not be able to End poverty or Homelessness in the world. It’s Going to start with us as a people , each one reach one each one teach one.
  5. When people start having a sense of worth again, it changes their lives significantly. They have a sense of pride once again as a ray of hope shines in. All it takes is one ray of light to shine in the darkness to make a difference. Of which we chose to start the gruesome painful journey, for them which begins with one single step. It can be done all we have to do is join hands together and The Lord will do the rest. Its call “faith in Action”.
  6. Some can become sales people to help to build our organization. It’s not about giving them a fish everyday but to teach them how to fish.
DID You Know That Over A 100 million people in the world are homeless? From this homelessness God knows how many are children, not knowing where the next piece of bread is coming from much less, the next meal. Together we can make a difference, Our goal is to help to rid the world of homelessness and poverty but just suppose we can help to change that.

Send your Story to us of any Kind of DEEDS that needs to be told /known

as one candle lights, another across the world because all it takes is one little spark to start a bond fire or get a fire glowing and it can begin in you.