melody of jsw

music of inspirations

Our concerts series across the globe /world is the epic vision of our journey wherever we are needed to make a difference. The awareness of poverty and homelessness that is un-bias and has affected every race color and creed is the biggest part of our focus and also income- stream of which we will be able to reach out to much more hungry children who needs our help the most ……… It is about bringing hope to a hopeless hungry child that is most important. and so we are committed to bring this to fruition in every aspect of our journey and are asking you for your CONTRIBUTION to make this become the reality of the 21st century of which anything is possible and for this reason nothing is too small, or too big to help out in this global atrocity against mankind; where the children are the ones who suffers most. They never ask to be born much less to be born in poverty and hopelessness.

concerts comming soon

gravity bridge music group

Gravity Bridge Records is an underground independent record label currently located in Bridgeport, Connecticut. As a songwriter musician and ultimately an artist Mutti Lancelot Lewis, the CEO, founded this label in 1995 in hopes to create and publish his own music in which he has done successfully in his own right. Now with the world ever-changing so rapidly, Mutti Lewis and the team at Gravity Bridge Records are determined to create music that will continue to in- spire the world.