The Music – Genre Un-Cage

The Music – Genre Un-Cage

Music is one of the only elements on earth that speaks to the heart of men; today, I use it as a catalyst to bridge one of the greatest gaps in human history. The reason is “To a man that is hungry love to him is a loaf of bread” without this nothing else matters.

There is a huge void in the music business today, of which pop culture has downplayed by design. Its inspirational and roots music that has been missing for years, its music that speaks about the real issues of life, the ones that matter which is the gap un-caged seeks to fill. Music has been one of America’s biggest enterprises and one of her biggest exports. Not only that but also one of her biggest influences in the world. America pop culture has swept the world by storm and has impacted many kids in different ways all over the globe, some for good, some for bad.

Every year thousands of musicians reap the benefit of their loyal fans when they purchase their music or go to see them in concert. The sad part of it is that many of them have never given back in return of which I hope to change with the Just –Suppose World, the platform of hope for hungry children. Are they bad people? Absolutely not! Many of them might not have known poverty, and it’s just might not be their forte. To give back is not always easy; the reason is it takes a special kind of heart to give. It takes more than being smart in the area of economics, and social studies but will need conventional wisdom to win…reason is action is the birthplace of thoughts and faith in action is the ultimate result.


just suppose - more magazines

Our concerts series across the globe /world is the epic vision of our journey wherever we are needed to make a difference. The awareness of poverty and homelessness is un-bias and has affected every race color and creed.

Hurricane Beryl Benefit Concert Tour, 2024

$10,000,000 to $25,000,000 Goal At the Just-Suppose World Foundation, our mission is to extend a helping hand to families in need, particularly the children who often bear the brunt of such crises. We understand that the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl has left many families devastated, with homes destroyed and.

Men & Women Who Have Made A Difference

Help us to make footprints on the heart of the world that they will never be able to throw sand over yes, a legacy that you know deep in your heart you have made a contribution and watched it come to fruition. Is our reality what we believe is.

The Music – Genre Un-Cage

Music is one of the only elements on earth that speaks to the heart of men; today, I use it as a catalyst to bridge one of the greatest gaps in human history. The reason is “To a man that is hungry love to him is a loaf of.

Raw Melodies of Inspiration

The uncaged music of inspiration I often encounter blowing in the wind I can only call it a blessing and how lucky I am to be a part of all of this. After taken to heaven and was returned to earth, I’m still baffled by the greatest experience; as.

The Ones Who Really Want to Know

I will never forget the day I brought my truck to get a fix at a garage own by a Muslim brother in Bridgeport, Connecticut. There was a young lad by the name of Omar who was also Muslim and maybe his step-son , asked me one of the.

I Was Shown the Celestial City of God

You might ask why am I telling you all of this? The reason is that I was taken to heaven in a vision of which I wrote in great precision of what I saw, hoping it will be of equal benefit to all men. Not many of us as.