Men & Women Who Have Made A Difference

Men & Women Who Have Made A Difference

Help us to make footprints on the heart of the world that they will never be able to throw sand over yes, a legacy that you know deep in your heart you have made a contribution and watched it come to fruition. Is our reality what we believe is real or is it the undeniable truth that poverty is real and has to affect hundreds of millions of people around us. Will it go away without some keep passing the torch to the next generation to push the envelope a little further? Of course not. Without people like you and I and those who have been stalwarts to such cause it will eventually pull the world under if left up to the men and women of the world who wheels the power and made decisions for millions of helpless souls.

Mark Twain said “if you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything” he also said that “whenever time you find yourself on the side of the majority it’s time to seek reform” reason is nothing greatly done is popular until it’s done. Just like every great change starts with pain. It takes a special kind of person to give back. Many have chosen to give back, as many before me have done, we dare not forget men like Bono from U2, who has made it a part of his life’s journey to help to put a dagger in the heart of poverty. Men like Harry Belafonte who has used his own money to fund the Civil Right movement in America that has helped to change the world forever putting not only civil rights objectives but also a lot of woman’s right perspective in place headed by the honorable Dr. Martin Luther King , which has help to change America and the rest of the world forever. When it matters most, Bellefonte goes to work, helping in one of the greatest fundraisers of the artist giving back to a worthy cause, directed by Quincy Jones; when he helps to orchestrate the recording of “We Are The World” a multi-artist effort to raise funds for Africa.

Oprah Winfrey is one of the most powerful black women in America and the world. A woman of substance who has done so much for those in need. She went back to the motherland, and establish one of the biggest ideas in South Africa erecting a leadership academy for girls.

Inspired by her own disadvantaged childhood she intends to inspire little girls like herself to become leaders and make a difference in the world. Here she put together something that will never die to provide educational and leadership opportunities for academically gifted girls from impoverished backgrounds who want a little more out of life. She exhibits this rare quality that many with much than what she has will never do.

She understands what it is to be in -need and understand that to give a man a fish instead of teaching that man how to fish is not wise and so she put together a very creative plan to teach young and gifted girls of South Africa how to fins by giving them the platform of education that no one will be able to take from them. Those striving to do well academically she help to become by just giving them a little push over the humps of life, knowing that it’s not easy to learn nothing as a kid when you’re poor and destitute and all you can think of is a little food to eat ; to encourage your heart to go on for another day. Oprah Winfrey wanted to help little girls who grew up like her. Economically disadvantaged but not poor in mind or spirit. This is just one of the things she has done to inspire the world. In my book, she is one of the great American local-heroes that is still among us. How great it would be to see each one reach one each one teach one.

These are men who did it not for praise or for the accolades; they do it because they are connected to The Great Almighty One, it’s something that speaks to your heart, and you cannot help it. This is so much bigger than all of us, and it’s going to take more than men to rid the world of such epidemic of the over 100 million poverty-stricken people around the world that comes in every color, not only Africans, but many whites, red and yellow people are among them. The sad part of it is that most of them are children.

The ones before us have done a tremendous job and have left it where it is today. though it still burns in their hearts and much is being done covertly still it needs new blood to create a new awareness that will be as relevant as AMAZON and Facebook & YouTube. Still, it is so much bigger than all of us and can burn out the best of us. I believe that Just –Suppose World is the platform that will change the world forever in this capacity.

The fight must go on and somehow you are here reading this which speaks volumes that you understand the long tedious journey ahead, but it can be done and will be done once you join hands with us to make it come to fruition. Life goes on as people get poorer and some get richer its call the journey of life. What makes a difference is what you and I are willing to do to help someone less fortunate than yourself. Those who have carried the baton before us hand will get weary because they are only human. It’s about who is willing to take it from them and carry it on just like an Olympic – torch, never letting the fire burn out.


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Our concerts series across the globe /world is the epic vision of our journey wherever we are needed to make a difference. The awareness of poverty and homelessness is un-bias and has affected every race color and creed.

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Men & Women Who Have Made A Difference

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