I Am A Poster Child of Poverty

I Am A Poster Child of Poverty

I Am A Poster Child of Poverty

Poverty has no face color or creed; it affects every down-trodden child across the world, whether red, yellow, black, or white. Children did not ask to be born poor, much less put in the ghettoes of life where poverty has become the hallmark of their story forcing many into forbidden situations within their countries. Children cannot choose their parents or which zip code or postal code they live in. children are victims of an idea more polarizing than anything on earth, and by design, many of the innocent suffer. With you and I, joining hands together no matter how small, we can help to change this by learning how to really love again, and teach our children the art of living, which is to LOVE, treating each other as to how we would love to be treated. Just suppose it was the other way around, my intention is to help one child at a time. Just-Suppose the longest hundred miles still begins with one single step!! Just a thought, but just suppose.

i am the poster of poverty

Though some people are trying to tear us apart killing hope by design, using billions and billions of dollars every day to build weapon of mass destruction, still it takes you and I to push back the curtains of oppression. It’s the poor and down trodden, which are usually the children that is affected and who suffers most. Instead you and I can build BRIDGES together to help them to cross over the precipice of life; plus the mountains of misfortune and degradation that comes with poverty. Let’s help them to see a little ray of light in a world full of Darkness. What people see they respond to like “Just Suppose a Smile was Contagious “would you wear it often on your face so others could be affected by it? This action can help to change the worldof wishful thinking

Send your Story to us of any Kind of DEEDS that needs to be told /known

as one candle lights, another across the world because all it takes is one little spark to start a bond fire or get a fire glowing and it can begin in you.

All we have to do is let it begin in you and I by adding our one little dot and by the time you know it, there will be ten then twenty and then a hundred that can turn into hundreds of thousands across the world, who will join us, and because words are powerful, you allow it to blow in the wind and before you know it, our thoughts, prayers and action will take on a life of its own; Sometimes Dreams do come true. Help me to help us Love again and a poor and hungry child to smile again, along with the down-trodden. Because to a man that is hungry love to him is a “Loaf of Bread”.