The Ones Who Really Want to Know

The Ones Who Really Want to Know

I will never forget the day I brought my truck to get a fix at a garage own by a Muslim brother in Bridgeport, Connecticut. There was a young lad by the name of Omar who was also Muslim and maybe his step-son , asked me one of the most daunting question when he saw me sitting under a tree on the premises writing away as the Spirit of God passes through my heart, filling my mind with words of inspiration to give to this sad- beautiful world. The young lad said to me out of the blue, what was I writing? I told him that I write about the things that the Lord God shows me in visions and dreams which are little glimpses of tomorrow. The next question he asked me was about The Lord God of The Most High. With a sincerity in his eyes, of which I felt in my own heart as he asks me these very words “is Jesus Christ really real? “I told him, yes, He is, and the reason why I know this is because I have met Him personally. He couldn’t believe what I was saying and asked me how was that possible, and it was there. I got a chance to tell him my true story of how I met Him as a boy. He was genuinely lit up to hear my story of how He spoke to me when I was not much older than he was from heaven. He then asked me “Is He really coming back?” and like a sacred scribe, I was able to tell him of what I saw in a vision I had of being taken to heaven and was shown the New Jerusalem from a distance. He then asked me “Is He really coming back as they say He will?” upon hearing this I couldn’t help the tears from coming down my cheek as I try to hide it under my dark glasses.

All I could say to Omar is “Yes Jesus Christ is really the Messiah who gave His life that we might live; He went to heaven and will return sooner than we would ever believe” I went on to say “I was taken to heaven in a vision and saw The New Jerusalem of which He promised that He would go and prepared for us, in John 14:13 . I gave him a little synopsis of what I saw, and it is as beautiful as mortal tongue could ever try to explain” he turned to me with a sense of curiosity and joy in his countenance and said “I must get a copy of this book as soon as you’ve finished writing it” I promise him I will. The greatest part of this all is that he told me that “he was told that Jesus was only a prophet and did not die and went to heaven” I told him that it is far from being the truth, and told him exactly what I saw when I was invited to go to Heaven. I could see the difference in his eyes as he smiles as if it’s something that he knows and feels in his own heart, but was told differently as a kid growing up in the Muslim faith, of which is quite understandable. I realized that many of them are eager to know the truth about Jesus Christ, The Lord God of The Highest. And the last thing He said to me is the one that baffles me most. You will have to see it to believe it. You will be able to see it in its entirety, the book entitled “The Silver Rope / Man Taken to Heaven” – sub-topic “The Divine Calling of a Poor Boy” it will be one of the above as it’s still in the finishing stage. I told him that I got the opportunity to see the most beautiful celestial city of God and so much more, as I was told many things by The Lord God Himself. I could see the difference in his eyes, like a new sense of hope.

There are millions of Omar in the world, of which some of them are hungry for the essential truth. The Lord God fed the multitude, yes! The ones who came to see Him with both physical and spiritual food, as all of it is equally important for the survival of man. The children across the world that are dying from hunger are from every race color and creed. It is our intention to find them where they are and show them what it is to be loved by the One who has sent me to do this. I ray that you will understand the importance of this great mission, and what this little smiley face represents.


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The Ones Who Really Want to Know

I will never forget the day I brought my truck to get a fix at a garage own by a Muslim brother in Bridgeport, Connecticut. There was a young lad by the name of Omar who was also Muslim and maybe his step-son , asked me one of the.

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