just suppose world

I tell you my story so that you can understand my passion, for helping others; knowing that it’s much bigger than the merchandise which our T-Shirts are our trade mark which I make special and unique with my signature. These T-shirts are just the vehicle to carry us along the journey to higher mountains, (where the forgotten ones live and roam most of the time without hope), knowing that so much more hearts can be touch by our love.


there is no glory without a story

Tell Your Story to Just –Suppose : Tell us about that one special incident in your life that mattered most. That one person or family/ friend. If they did not help you when you needed it most where would you be today?

the voice of reason

about the founder mutti lewis

Mutti Lewis……. CEO and Founder of JUST-SUPPOSE WORLD: He is a humanitarian, Author, Musician and without a doubt a philanthropist at heart. He’s always looking to make a difference in the lives of others, especially the less fortunate ones among us. Over the years Mutti has done his share of trying to make a difference, by helping to aid or assist many of the downtrodden people that come to him for help as he and his wife Dorothy (who has a bigger heart ) has dipped into their pockets and give even when they don’t have enough for themselves. Over the years he has done a lot of benefit concerts for a worthy cause whenever he is called upon or wherever his voice is needed and still does it today. In 2007 he started an organization called “Help Us Save Our Homes”, in Bridgeport Connecticut.

Send your Story to us of any Kind of DEEDS that needs to be told /known

as one candle lights, another across the world because all it takes is one little spark to start a bond fire or get a fire glowing and it can begin in you.

The Plan

What JUST SUPPOSE Will do to Help the over 100 million homeless people that lives in our world today ,is to have musical concerts across the world. The Money that is raised will go back to the people that are homeless especially the hungry children that makes up most of the homeless population.

50% of your purchase goes to help to feed a hungry child

JSW mall

Whatever you can afford or kind enough to purchase, it will be greatly appreciated; and out of every dollar you spend 50% will go straight back to help a hungry child to have a little food on his or her table today as simple as it may sound, reason is sometimes tomorrow is much too late. I know this first hand because I too was one of them, born in poverty, of which I understand too well. Many kids suffer in silence, and you wouldn’t know how many of them go to bed hungry. My reason for creating just –Suppose World is to help the less fortunate ones not to die hoping someone like you and I will come along and help them from their distress of poverty of which I now too well.
JSW mall