Hurricane Beryl Benefit Concert Tour, 2024

$10,000,000 to $25,000,000 Goal

At the Just-Suppose World Foundation, our mission is to extend a helping hand to families in need, particularly the children who often bear the brunt of such crises. We understand that the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl has left many families devastated, with homes destroyed and lives uprooted. It’s during times like these that we must come together to provide the necessary support.

We cannot do this alone. The scale of this disaster exceeds the capabilities of any single entity. That’s why we’re reaching out to you, our community, to join us in this vital mission. The children affected by this disaster are suffering silently, and they need our immediate help. With the support of our musician friends and your generosity, we can make a significant impact.

We are appealing to you to join us in supporting hundreds of thousands of children across the Caribbean who are now homeless, hungry, and in desperate need of aid. By helping these children, we can also provide relief to their families.

Every journey begins with a single step. Although the road ahead is challenging, knowing that we are united in our efforts provides hope to those affected. As a nation, we have a long history of coming together in times of crisis, and today is no different. With your help, we can achieve our goal.

The recovery process will require millions of dollars and countless hours of work. Many of these islands have minimal resources, and the people there are facing an uphill battle. Homes have been reduced to rubble, and it will take months, if not years, to rebuild. But with your support, we can make a difference, one family at a time.

Join Us

We invite other musicians to join us on this journey. As we travel through various states and cities, we welcome any artist who wants to contribute. Simply reach out to us to learn how you can get involved. Our goal of raising $10,000,000 to $25,000,000 is ambitious, but it’s a crucial step towards alleviating the suffering caused by this disaster.

What we are doing at the Just-Suppose World Foundation is just the beginning. We hope to ignite a spark of hope in the hearts of the children and families affected, showing them that they have friends and supporters around the world.

To all those willing to help, we extend our deepest gratitude. Your donations, no matter the size, will make a tremendous difference. Your generosity will be remembered and appreciated by those you help

Business & Corporate Support

We also want to thank the businesses and corporations that are willing to support our cause. As a token of our appreciation, we will feature your logos or names on our website and banners during our tour. Your contributions are crucial to reaching our goal.

How We Will Help

Our foundation’s field agents will visit the affected areas to assess the needs of the people. We will focus our efforts on those in the greatest distress, ensuring that our resources are used effectively.

We are calling on you to partner with us in this mission. The children in Jamaica and the rest of the Caribbean are counting on us. They are facing unimaginable hardships, and we cannot turn a blind eye.

Our Commitment

The Just-Suppose World Foundation is dedicated to helping those in need. We will host benefit concerts across America and around the world to raise funds. The proceeds will be used to provide shelter, food, and other necessities to the affected families. Our goal is to bring relief to those who need it most.

When disaster strikes, it’s the children who suffer the most. They are the ones who go to bed hungry and wake up to uncertainty. By supporting our cause, you can help change that. You can provide them with a glimmer of hope and a chance at a better future.

A Personal Note

As the founder and CEO of the Just-Suppose World Foundation, I know firsthand what it’s like to face adversity. Growing up in Jamaica, I experienced the struggles of life’s storms. But I also know the impact that a helping hand can have. It’s because of the kindness of others that I am here today, and I am committed to paying it forward.

Final Thoughts

In times of crisis, it’s our duty to help those in need. The Just-Suppose World Foundation is here to provide that help, but we need your support. Whether through donations, volunteering, or simply spreading the word, every effort counts.

Let us remember the words of the Bible: “The greatest commandment of all is to love the LORD thy God with all your heart, soul, and might. The second greatest is: Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Everyone, near or far, is our neighbor. Let’s come together to be our brother’s keeper.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity. May the LORD God bless you and your family for your support.

Mutti Lewis
Founder and CEO, Just-Suppose World Foundation


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Our concerts series across the globe /world is the epic vision of our journey wherever we are needed to make a difference. The awareness of poverty and homelessness is un-bias and has affected every race color and creed.

Hurricane Beryl Benefit Concert Tour, 2024

$10,000,000 to $25,000,000 Goal At the Just-Suppose World Foundation, our mission is to extend a helping hand to families in need, particularly the children who often bear the brunt of such crises. We understand that the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl has left many families devastated, with homes destroyed and.

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